Ministries: Operation STITCHES

Operation S.T.I.T.C.H.E.S

Save The Inner-City Through Christ Hope Eternal Salvation

Operation STITCHES came into being to reach the unreachable… those beyond the four walls of the church. What started as a 30-day inner-city crusade has turned into a national outreach that has grown to many  independent Operation STITCHES outreaches.

In every American city there are untouched mission fields filled with children and their families who need to know that their hope is spelled J-E-S-U-S. The vision of Operation STITCHES is to help churches and ministries take the message of Jesus outside the four walls of the church to their back yard mission fields and reach children and their families through Operation STITCHES.

The STITCHES program is a fast-paced one hour program where children are taught to respect and honor God and country as they sing songs, play games, win prizes, and learn of God’s love through Operation STITCHES curriculum which includes life application stories.

Operation STITCHES will provide you with all the necessary tools, resources, and training to start a complete and effective children’s outreach. Operation STITCHES can show you how, through targeted outreach programs like food, clothing, and back-to-school distributions, you will be able to reach entire communities. Through our resource materials, you can learn how to contact local companies to procure the resources you need to supply your STITCHES outreach.

Many of the churches currently doing a STITCHES outreach do not bus the children. They consider the program they do in the community as children’s church and include the children they are reaching with their Sunday School.